Almenn verkefni 2024

Heiti verkefnis : 

Skilningur á viðbrögðum svæðisins í Eyjafirði Athuganir og hermir

Verkefnastjóri : 


Stutt lýsing á verkefninu:


The main purpose of the project is to analyze the long-term time series of the tide gauge, installed by Vegagerdin, located near Akureyri. This station has recorded the tides showing a peculiar long period of high and low states during some storms. The tidal rhythm could be perturbed due storms (atmospheric forcings). This response has been observed also from simulations carried out by ARA and his students during different scenarios of tsunamis due to large earthquakes in Husavik, and also synthetic landslides. We proposed to carry out several tests on the observations (Wifner-Ville spectrograms, Wavelets, Moving RMS) and also carry out single perturbation analysis to characterize the response of the fjord by using a non-linear shallow-water equation model (GeoClaw). This model has been previously used by ARA in several publications and by his recently graduated student (J. Wilder, 2023). 

Tilgangur og markmið:


The purpose is to characterize and understanding the site response in Eyjafjorður to near-field and far-field perturbations. We have identified a non-typical mode in the observations after the tide gauge has been placed. The same non-typical response has been observed using numerical models. The main objectives are:

1. Analyse the time series of the tide gauge (Wifner-Ville spectrograms, Wavelets, Moving RMS).  

2. Model and quantify the site response using a non-linear shallow water equation model (GeoCalw).

3. What are the physical processes that govern this response.