Almenn verkefni 2024

Heiti verkefnis : 

Mat á tjónnæmi steinsteyptra bitabrúa með jarðskjálftalegum

Verkefnastjóri : 


Stutt lýsing á verkefninu:


The safety of existing bridges is crucial within any transportation system. Age deterioration is perhaps the most serious factor in this sense, but natural hazards like floods and destructive earthquakes can also threaten the security of bridges exposed to such hazards. In this study, the focus is on the seismic vulnerability and seismic risk of bridges. This study will utilise numerical models to assess the seismic vulnerability and seismic fragility curves of six significant bridges located in the South Iceland lowland. The chosen bridges are situated at five specific locations, namely Sog-bridge, Stóra-Laxá-bridges (the old one and new one), Ölfusárós-bridge, Hvítá-bridge, and Brúará-bridge. The numerical tool employed for the analysis will involve the use of finite element modelling, utilising the available drawings and material data. The analysis will utilise nonlinear time history analysis and incremental dynamic analysis to perform probabilistic seismic demand assessment and vulnerability modelling. This will be done by considering the capabilities of the structural elements and their potential failure mechanisms. The methodology devised in this study is deemed valuable for future investigations of other significant bridges in Iceland.

Tilgangur og markmið:


The main aim of the study is to develop seismic vulnerability models and fragility curves for bridges in the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ). Such models are fundamental in seismic risk assessment of individual bridges but also of the transport system in the region. Six significant base isolated concrete beam bridges located in the SISZ will be studied. The output will be fragility curves for each test bridge and if sensible one fragility model for this bridge type will be provided.